Chandra's Collection Photography

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My Life Lately |Coffee With Chandy | San Antonio Wedding Photographer

Hi guys! Wowzers – has it really be almost a week since I’ve last blogged to let you guys know what I’ve been up to? I have good reason though, promise! 🙂 Some of you know…most of you don’t – I’m in graduate school to get my Master’s Degree in Business Administration! I’m in the HOME STRETCH, ya’ll! I have a few more weeks of the class I’m in now and then my final class and I am DUNZO…forever – woohoo! I will never have to look at or write a research paper ever again (hopefully)…and that alone just makes me want to jump for joy! *high fives all around*

Remember that blog post I wrote on “Finding Balance As A Business Owner“? Yeah, that has gone totally out the window the past few weeks.

To be honest, starting the class that I’m in now (Quantitative Business Statistics) right in the middle of wedding season might just be the worst idea I’ve ever had. LOL That may sound like I’m joking, but I’m actually not at all! ha! All the way through the Masters program that I’m in, I have been able to handle the work load & juggle my classes & homework with everything else going on in my life…but this class…ohhhh, this class is so different. It’s MISERABLE. It’s TIME CONSUMING. It’s HARD. And I’ve probably drank more coffee in the past few weeks than I have the entire year of 2015 so far. This week for class, we had two research papers to write, attend our 4 hour class, and not to mention – every week we have a quiz that takes anywhere between 9-15 HOURS EACH!!! Yes, I am not exaggerating in the slightest bit on that one. Just thinking about it makes me tense up, cringe & feel nauseous all of a sudden. I know I’m not alone because everyone else in my class is suffering right along with me & we totally just get each other & the struggle is extremely real right now, ya’ll. lol

With shooting weddings every weekend, shooting multiple sessions during the week, keeping up with daily business tasks, editing, blogging, driving time (because I live out in the boondocks & every second counts for me right now)…being a wife, and life happening…it’s just sometimes is a wee bit overwhelming. But then when I’m feeling like it’s too much, I’ll say a prayer, throw Hillsong United or K-Love on the radio and all of a sudden, my cup is instantly filled again & I feel like I can do this! I know things have been a little cray cray over here & this season in my life is testing my perseverance & I’m just going to embrace it! Things have been thrown off a little – I’m bummed that I’m not able to blog like I usually do & post what I’ve been working on lately – but I promise – after this class is over with, everything will go back to your regular scheduled programming! 🙂

If you want to send a few prayers this way, you are more than welcomed to! hehe Anywhoodles friends – I heart you guys and thankful for your support! xoxo, Chandy

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