Chandra's Collection Photography

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Heading to the Katelyn James Workshop

Eeek – I am super excited to be heading up North to the Katelyn James Workshop this Fall!


For those of you who don’t know what a photography workshop is…well, let me explain! Workshops are usually hosted by awesomely successful (is awesomely even a word?} & experienced photographers who host classes for other budding photographers/business owners. It’s a great way to network with other people who are in the same field as you, as well as, learn so much! The Katelyn James Workshops are geared towards the wedding photography field but portrait photographers are welcomed too. You don’t necessarily have to be experienced or not experienced…this is merely a place to GROW as a photographer, ask questions, soak up tons of information to help further your business and also, meet awesome people from all over the country who love the same things you do! I’ll be going alone to Virgina & treading an area I know absolutely nothing about. But hey – who doesn’t like an adventure? 🙂 Well, I take that back…I have been there once…in the 7th grade on a school trip. My friend Jen & I ended up getting lost in an amusement park for 5 hours and the school chaperones had to call the cops to help find us. HAHA. Yeah, but hey – that’s in the past and I’m excited that this second go-round will be so much fun & rewarding! I have my hotel booked as well as my flight. Now, I just have to figure out how to tote around the city in between. I have been following Katelyn for a while now and really admire her business work ethic and shooting style! Like I mentioned in my previous blog post on my monthly goals – I am going to try to do ATLEAST one workshop a year. I think what you can learn and take away from these kinds of experiences are truly priceless. I will post a re-cap on the whole experience and let you guys know how it goes! If you’re another photographer going to the workshop in November, shoot me an email at


Wedding Photography Workshop (Photo Credit: Katelyn James)


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